Monday, April 30, 2012

Robie Recap

Let me just start by saying, I didn't exactly meet my goal again this year ... I REALLY, REALLY want to run this "hill-acious" half marathon in under 2 hours.  But, I suppose this year was not the year to do it.  On a sweltering day when many runners saw their times increase by 10 minutes, I guess I will just be happy that my race time went down by about 8 minutes.

I AM HAPPY!!!  I think if it would have been cooler, that last mile to the summit *might* have been a little faster ... but I can't really complain about my time.  I wanted to improve and I did.  I know I can do better and I'm hoping that another year of trails next year will put me where I want to be in 2013.

Things I did this year that seemed to help:
  • I ran trails.  A lot.  (I probably should have thrown in a few treadmill runs to work on speed, but I never did.)  It has been so fun getting to know some of the trails in my area.  It's amazing how addicting running outside can be.  The only problem was I ran outside in the cold and wind most of my training months ... I wasn't prepared to run in blazing, sunny 80 degree heat!!  
  • I rested the week before the race.  A lot.  I did one trail run/hike with my kids about 4 days before the race, but other than that I took the whole week off and let my body build up energy.
  • I ate carbs.  A lot.  I read this article and even though "carbing up" a whole 3 days prior to the race seemed a little overkill, I can honestly say I felt like I had plenty of fuel in the tank on my run.  That was definitely a nice feeling.
  • I ate bananas.  A lot.  A TON, actually.  I was so nervous about having another bad year in the leg cramp department, I started eating at least one banana a day months out and in the weeks before the race I was sure to have two.  Last year my downhill suffered so bad (and that's usually the fastest part of the race -- the area to make up time) as I had to stop every five minutes and massage my calves as they were in a near-constant cramp state.  Not fun. 
  • I was a good girl and took my vitamins.  I'm usually pretty spacey about taking regular vitamins/supplements but I tried really hard to stay on track.  I took a multi vitamin, Fish Oil, glucosamine and biotin every day!
  • I kept a positive attitude.  The whole race I kept telling myself "You get one chance a YEAR to do this Yvonne ... you can do it, you can give it your all!"
Last year was so disappointing -- I got sick and wasn't able to train like I needed to.  I wasn't mentally or physically prepared.  This year, I felt so much more in control.  I would have liked to see even more minutes shaved off my time, but I have been celebrating anyway.  I am happy with my results.  Happy that I was able to finish strong, with a smile on my face! 

In 2010 and 2011 I ran it in 2:18 -- that's gun time, not chip time so it doesn't account for the time it took me to actually cross the START line.  This year my gun time was 2:10:18 and my chip time (or what I like to call my REAL time!) was 2:08:32.  I finished 457th overall (out of 2,466 runners), 102nd among the women, and 24th in my age division! Yay!  Definitely room for improvement, but that's what next year is for! :)  
Here are some fun race-weekend pics ...

My awesome family!

Ready to Run!

Do we look anxious?!?

The best cheering section ever!

Finish line


Cards from my kiddos!  So cute ... love that they had me running the race in an hour and coming in first!!!


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