Monday, February 13, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

I am SO happy to report that I had an AWESOME hill run.  Awesome in that it kicked my patoot and left me feeling exhausted but INVIGORATED.  I chased two boys (my male running buddies who are soooo much faster and stronger than I!) four miles up the hill and four FAST miles back down.  It was so hard ... I did have to stop and walk part of the way up (grrrr), but it was so motivating to try and keep up with those fellas.  It was a misty, cool morning and I almost backed out (another good reason to have a rudding buddy ... they keep you on track!) but they insisted on picking me up and so I was along for the run, like it or not.  Isn't it the best feeling when you are done?? I felt so accomplished!!!  

Going forward ... HILLS ... STEEP HILLS and MORE STEEP HILLS!!!  I'm still trying to get past the mental and physical road blocks that pop up everytime I attempt them ... but guess what kept popping into my head while I was running Saturday ...

My new mantra for sure!

I also signed myself up for the Haulin Aspen half marathon in August!  **I can't wait.**  My brother and I are running the half while my mom (woot, woot ... go MOM!) and my oldest son run the 7-miler.  It is a GORGEOUS race in one of my favorite places on Earth ~ Bend, Oregon.  And we will have all the people I love dearly at the finish line waiting for us. Yippeeee!  My goals this year ... beat my 2010 time and BEAT MY BROTHER!  (haha, that last one will never happen!) 
My brother and I all giddy -n- happy at the
Haulin' Aspen 1/2 start line 2010

And then on Sunday I had the pleasure of seeing an amazing performance by Ballet Idaho with my own little ballerina.  We attended the afternoon performance of Firebird/Circus/Romeo & Juliet.  It was all Russian music and each mini-show was so unique and interesting. I was very impressed ... beautiful choreography and amazing scenery.  It was such a treat -- especially watching my own little girl mesmerized by the beauty of ballet.  Ahh ... I try hard not to get to sad over not pursuing my own dreams of being a dancer.  But that's a whole 'nother post!

All smiles before AND after the ballet!

It was a

This week is chock-full of Valentine festivities and food!  More on that later! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. You Can Do Hard Things! Good Job! I am horrible at hills, and need to run more of them. Keep posting I need the motivation.
