Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I haven't done squat ... MUST DO SQUATS!

It's been a busy, busy week ... seems like everything is going on at school this week ... we've had Valentine's to prepare, treats to make, posters to create, tests to study for, presentations to practice -- and it's ONLY WEDNESDAY!

After my great hill run on Saturday, I decided to take the next day off.  That day off turned into three. YIKES!  My workouts have suffered greatly this week ... in case you count trips around my kitchen and up and down my stairs.  I feel like I've been going in circles.

I decided last night both the puppy and I were going stir-crazy and needed some serious exercise.  Given that my morning was party-free/volunteer-free/baking-free (woooohoooo!) I thought it would be a great time to take her on a short hike, then take myself on a nice hill run back up the same route I did Saturday.

Then I woke up this morning to SNOW!!!!  UGH!!!

Now granted, it was a beautiful sight to behold ... for about 2 minutes.  (Honestly Lady Winter, if you haven't shown up by now, I'm not really interested in seeing you around these parts till next year.)

We were all running late looking for lost gloves, packing shoes to change into from snowboots, etc. so I was already a tad grumpy getting out the door.  Then it took me 40 minutes to get to my kindergartners school.  40 minutes on a route that normally takes me no more than 7!!!  I don't think there is anything more frustrating than sitting in traffic for no good reason ... there was no accident, no mountains of snow, no herd of elk making a miraculous city street crossing.  Just some overly-cautious morons and REALLY BADLY TIMED LIGHTS AT INTERSECTIONS!  I sound a bit silly getting so irate over something so simple, but geez ... what a time waster!!!

I am queen of excuses and in addition to my crappy commute, I have a sore throat and what appears to be the onset of some bug that I do not have time for.  I downed a decent breakfast, took my vitamins and gulped down some Emergen-C just in case!  (**Please don't get sick ... please don't get sick ... please don't get sick!**)  I debated a morning spent on the couch, afterall my free-time was half-over anyway.  But, when I reminded myself how many Valentines treats I'd consumed yesterday (damn Berry Crunch Muffins), I knew what had to be done. 

I reluctantly put on my shoes, tied the dog down where I could keep an eye on her and jumped on the elliptical for a 55 minute hill climb while I watched LIVE!  It felt pretty mundane today, I'm not gonna lie.  But at least my "no-workout for days" streak has been broken.

So, that was the "haven't done squat part!"
Now, on to the MUST DO SQUATS part...

Have you heard squats are one of the BEST moves you can do?  Yes, I've heard it for years but haven't really wanted to believe --  squats are, afterall, exhausting!  That is because they are a FULL body movement using legs, abs, back and arms. 

I love the 80's jazzercize leotard!

Here are a number of articles on PROPER squat technique (SO important!)  as well as the benefits of doing squats ... including the benefits to runners.  Squat on my friends!!!

Proper Technique

Can Lunges & Squats Make You Run Faster?

Lunges & Squats For Muscle

Strengthen Quads, Avoid Runners Knee

Squats Improve Running Technique

More on the muscular benefits of performing squats

Squat Science: The best exercise?

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